Brief detail about CIP System

CIP System is used for the cleaning of the interior surfaces of the vessels, pipes, fittings, filters and other equipment without dismantling the machinery. CIP is used in various industries such as dairy, beverage, pharmaceuticals, brewing, cosmetics etc. There are many advantages of CIP such as less labor, fast cleaning, repeatable processing and less chemical exposure.

There are various factors that affect the performance of CIP System like Temperature, Contact time, pressure and concentration.

Increasing the temperature increases dirt removal efficiency. High kinetic energy molecules wash the dirt faster and efficiently compared to cold slow molecules. Detergents are used in CIP and longer the detergent contact period, higher is the cleaning efficiency. The concentration of the cleaning solution has to be monitored because a highly concentrated cleaning solution will wash the dirty surface much efficiently than a dilute solution.

There are many designs of CIP Systems such as single tank, multi-tank, portable tank, two tanks, once through tank etc. These tanks are bought from the industry depending on the cleaning standards. CIP machine is a good choice because it reduces the usage of chemicals, cycle time, reduces water costs and encourages worker safety.

Although the plant looks clean from the outside still bacteria which are invisible to the eye can defile the substances or food inside the container causing a foul smell. For this reason, it is usually recommended to use CIP Systems inside the plant to maintain hygiene.

There are two types of CIP cleaning methods. They are high-pressure cleaning and low-pressure cleaning respectively. In high-pressure cleaning, dirt is removed by force and in low-pressure cleaning chemicals are used to remove the stubborn dirt particles.   

Various cleaning agents are used for cleaning the equipment such as Caustic soda, phosphoric and nitric acids, per acetic acid and sodium hypochlorite. Caustic soda is used for the cleaning of fats and dirt and but it doesn’t remove the tough scales. It is mainly used for removing soils from tanks.

Hypochlorite is used for disinfecting operations and if not monitored correctly then it can react with stainless steel and acids to form a dangerous chemical.

Phosphoric and nitric acids are used for removing debris and tough scales in plants. These acids can affect the pumps and the valves of the tank and hence should be handled with care.

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