WFI water for pharmaceuticals

Water is used in the processing and formulation of a number of pharmaceutical products. One of the most important uses of water is for manufacturing wfi water for injection. WFI water is water that is used in the manufacture of parenteral (injectable) drugs whose solvent is water.

WFI is produced by either distillation or reverse osmosis. The feed water is pre-treated and used as a source for producing wfi water. The primary objective behind pre-treating water is to reduce conductivity and level of organic compounds. Distillation is the most classical way of producing wfi water. It involves heating the water to convert it in to steam and then condensing it to get ultra-pure water.

Another method involves using reverse osmosis water systems; these systems utilize ultra-fine semi permeable membranes or filters and water is forced through one side of the filter, the impurities stay behind in the filter and pure water emerges to the other side.